Pat Robertson
Before you even say it, no this is NOT George Bush. THIS is the latest fuck boy to go into the #fuckboyfiles. Televangelist Pat Robertson. In responding to this comment from a viewer: ""It is treated as a sin to show interest in or have a mutual understanding in church with the opposite sex. Most of the people in church are frustrated because we're getting older and no one is getting married." Only using his best fuckboy logic he responds "You know those who are homosexual will die out because they don't reproduce. You have to have heterosexual sex to reproduce. Same thing with that church. It's doomed. It's going to die out, 'cause it's the most nonsensical thing I have heard in a long time. This is absurd." 😳 Besides the fact that this fuck boy treats homosexuality like it's a hidden enclave of people living under the streets waiting to destroy the world, what's "absurd" is that the comment about this church had NOTHING TO DO WITH HOMOSEXUALS. Shorty is talking about a HETEROSEXUAL church which doesn't allow HETEROSEXUALS to date, what the fuck does that have to do with HOMOSEXUALS? But this is what happens when you just let 84 year-old men talk. It reminds of that time I asked my great great great granduncle Jedediah Israel what he wanted for dinner and he told me the story of how he used to run hooch for Al Capone during the Prohibition. 😐 Chicken it is Uncle Jedediah.