John Middlekauff
This and the next case following are co-cases in the #fuckboyfiles CBS Sports commentator John Middlekauff took to his Twitter account in response Kobe's decision to wear the "I Can't Breathe" shirt, the last words of Eric Garner tweeted, "I respect Bron, Rose w/ the 'I can't breathe' both grew up in the hood/poverty. Feel it means something to them. W/Kobe, well no comment." This idea that because a black person is rich and famous means that they are no longer black speaks to very convoluted ideas about what it means to black. And moreso, the idea that only people who are from the hood can empathize with what's going on is another line of fuck boy logic If you feel that you have to be black and poor to understand oppression, then you're a fuck boy.