Stacey Dash
What did I tell you? The death of those two officers are going to get blamed on everything except the man who pulled the trigger. Not even 24 hours and we have another case for the #fuckboyfiles regarding fuck boys and their fuck boy logic. Yesterday this fuck boy Stacey Dash posted on her Twitter: "These murders are the natural result of the jihad on cops that Al Sharpton & De Blasio has called for. They should be held accountable."😳 Jihad (noun): a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs. Of all of the hashtags Ismaaiyl Brinsley used yesterday to declare his murders, NOT ONE had anything to do with Islam, Muslims, Jihad or anything which suggests that what happened yesterday was an attempt to spread religious views, there was not ONE "Allahu Akbar" so what the fuck is she talking about? But that tweet got 1,459 retweets and 1,039 favorites, so you know what IS being spread? The religion of fuck boy logic because there is someone looking at their phone saying," Yeah, That's right! It's those fucking Muslims!" 😒 They always say art imitates life, but who would've known that this fuck boy wasn't acting when she was in Clueless.