Thomas Galante
Me and my peoples often joke that if we had the credit score of a rich white man we'd be straight. We'd sit around and pontificate the differences between black and white spending habits: "white people don't spend their money stupidly like black people, etc." (I too exhibit fuck boy logic from time and time) It never occurred to me to investigate just how these credits score remain so high, well today's case in the #fuckboyfiles helps in explaining. Queens Library Director Thomas Galante, who already makes an annual salary of $392,000 (Literaryswag for real) apparently doesn't feel that's enough because records show he has spent $40,000 using his corporate card (our tax dollars) on Coldplay concerts, trips to Amsterdam and the Aspens, and who could forget the $23,000 he spent on furniture at Raymour & Flanigan (this fuck boy must have some nice ass ottomans in his crib) I realized that it's not that these fuck boys don't spend their money stupidly, it's that they spend OURS stupidly. These fuck boys are undoubtedly scamming, and they're buying more than Monclers and Hermes belts.