Mona Scott-Young
You've seen her bring us such fuck boy shows as Love & Hip-Hop: New York, Atlanta, and most recently, Hollywood now see Mona Scott-Young as you've never seen her before on the #fuckboyfiles 👏👏👏👏👏 It was one thing when shorty was bringing us the lifestyles of the vacuous and mundane but now she digging deeper than an archaeologists to keep her bundle money in tact. Her recent venture "Sorority Sisters" is a reality "based" (keyword because none of this shit is real) show about women who are in Black Greek Letter Organizations. The show is supposed to teach us the importance of Black Greek Life by watching women meet each other for lunch to talk about each other's organizations, throw shade at other's probates, fuck each other's men--and let us not forget, no show about Black Greeks is complete without the obligatory step and stroll!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Thank God Mona wasn't around during the 60s, this fuck boy would try to instigate fights between Betty and Coretta to get a "Real Housewives of Civil Rights Leaders" show started. 😒