Jeffrey Follmer
10 years ago Dave Chappelle had a bit in his "For What It's Worth" special called, "How Old Is 15 Really?" where he analyzed the role race plays in how our society perceives age and the difference in how our society respond to age when race is a factor. Now yesterday's case was 11 year-old Alexis Waller who stole $10,000 of her grandma's money to see a boy in Florida. While many people agreed that shorty was out of line, many more people felt that her "only being 11" should assuage the seriousness of her actions. This brings us to today's case of the #fuckboyfiles After players of the Cleveland Browns wore shirts demanding justice for the death of 12 year-old Tamir Rice who was killed by officers for having a toy gun, this fuck boy. Jeffrey Follmer demanded an apology from the players. Follmer defended the actions of the police by saying, "The shooting was justified. This male was obviously armed with what officers believed to be a real gun and thought him to be twenty. If he was twenty, we would not be sitting here today." 😐 Besides the fact that his fuck boy logic informs him that the only tragedy about this case is that a 12 year-old was killed, his fuck boy logic also informs him that if he had been of legal age, the killing wouldn't have been that big a deal. "Oh you only care because he's twelve, if he was twenty you would clearly see he was dangerous, too." But most importantly, what type of police force can't tell the difference between a 12 year-old and 20 year-old. THAT'S 8 YEARS DIFFERENCE MY NIGGA. Even if you rounded to the nearest tenth, Tamir would be 10, not 20. This just works to show how race affects age. You can be a grown ass white man with a real gun shooting real kids and they want to figure out what happened in your childhood. But let a 3 year-old black kid get caught stealing some sour patches and they'd want to fill his diaper with bullets saying, "His little black ass had no business stealing. Besides, we thought the little nigga was 30." 😒