Missouri Senator, Ron Blunt
This edition of the #fuckboyfiles features the case of Missouri Senator Ron Blunt who takes the blame game even further than blaming Muslims (Stacey Dash) or De Blasio (Pat Lynch). This fuckboy is blaming the protests in Ferguson for the murder of officers of Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. Ferguson. A man travels from Baltimore to shoot cops in NYC and.....Ferguson Who are we to blame for his fuckboylogic? We could blame his hairpiece but I'm going to do the revolutionary thing and hold the people who do shit accountable for their own actions. It's interesting that our society praises individualism in times of triumph, but when there's tragedy it's every one else's fault. Everyone loves to talk about "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps" when they're successful but then you want to blame the sweatshop workers in China for not knowing how to make a reliable bootstrap when you fail. Contrary to contradictory rhetoric in this country, people are capable of forming their own opinions. Maybe, just maybe, the people who feel the way they do had these feelings before Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Al Sharpton, Pat Lynch, or Bill de Blasio. Maybe, just maybe, the people (on whichever side you stand on) formed these opinions based on their upbringing and personal experiences and if it's anything which needs to be examined it's that. But since we're blaming everyone for everything, I find it real funny how EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is being blamed for the murder of those two officers but NO ONE is blaming ANYONE or ANYTHING for the shooting of Shaneka Thompson (the ex-girlfriend who was also shot by the same man on the same day and struggles to recover). We're ready to blame the sun and the stars for the death of these two officers but we can't even get a telescope for Shaneka.